Tuesday, December 18, 2007


okok, will do take nte of it Eliza.
But i just hope and pray i can get into IA though.

Just think of it, after January, we can finally enjoy our 10 weeks hoilday!
Why don't we organise a picnic or sumthing, for gathereing for our class girls.
Don't bother asking boys.
They're just irritating.
We bring food, then later they will just EAT.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Hello people! Do all the class girls of 1A/23 want a share in this blog?

Let me know what you guys think about the idea! Haha.

And please...

Those taking IA option, do up this blog okay! It shall stay as long as possible! Haha~


A random picture we took during DRAW class on Tuesday . It was Eliza's idea..ahaha..
Btw. we had an STSB test today.
ALL tthe girls were like sooo busy revising, rushing to gobble down the last bits of information from their notes.
The paper was alright. managed to do some question, while some i had no idea what i SHOULD write.
Well, i got to go for now. That's all.. For this very short post.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Singaporeans who quit the country and migrate overseas are disloyal

I do not agree that Singaporeans who quit the country and migrate overseas are considered disloyal.

Firstly, I believe that most people wanted to migrate is because of better job prospects in other country. Let me give an example, for Diploma of Digital Media year one students who are going to choose computer generated effects options, after their graduation, most probably they have to go other country in order for them to have a job. That’s simply because Singapore movie industry is not well developed yet! We are not producing movies that requires computer visual effects. So do you count them as disloyal? Of course not! They are just trying to get a job!

Secondly, many Singapore students are unable to enter local university, those who afford to go oversea for further studies would go for it. After their university graduation, some may chose to stay at the country. Why is that so? That’s because these students had experienced living in other country, and they like it. Or maybe they’d already got a job there, therefore they chose to stay there. It sounds reasonable isn’t it?

Thirdly, some Singaporeans wants some changes in their lifestyle. Singapore is a hot and humid tropical island country that does not have four seasons but summer through out the year. Singapore has also lose out in terms of size. Singapore is a small country. Some people just feel very “sian” living in a here. The cost of living in Singapore is quite expensive as well.

However, despite of all this reason that I’d stated above, I still think that Singaporeans should try to build this nation together, after all, Singapore is our home, our root. Human is the only resource in Singapore. We shouldn’t deprive out only resource.

To add on, just a little bit about me, I’m a Singaporean who grows up in Taiwan till the age of 12. I came to Singapore to receive further education. Though I only stay in Singapore for 5 years, I felt very attached to Singapore already, my friends, food and everything. I would not want to live Singapore unless I really have to.

That’s all


Topic to talk about: Singaporeans who quit the country and migrate overseas are disloyal

Well, I have one basic reason to whether or not Singaporeans are disloyal, it all depends on their intention and deed.

If their intention of migrating, is to get a better life. So be it! It's their choice, their life. But, if they were to go around in that place that they have migrated, telling everyone they know how bad Singapore is, all the bad points of Singapore. Wasn't this person a proud citizen of Singapore once?

Imagine, when all this negativity is aimed at Singapore. And people would begin to think that the people in Singapore are generally the same. Is this fair for the citizens? Thus, this people are disloyal because not only did they refuse to call themselves Singaporean, they are also bringing down the name if his/her own nation.

However, there are those whom migrated and have done Singapore proud. Take Ashley Islam for example. He knew too well that to succeed in his area of interest, the best is to start somewhere where the fashion industry is noticed.

I did some research and found someone commenting on this, from: http://fashionation.wordpress.com/2006/09/23/london-fashion-week-ashley-isham/

"For London Fahion Week, the designer I was waiting for was Ashley Isham.Not because I’ve known his work to be fabulous, but because he is a Singaporean - and it is pretty darn amazing for a Singaporean’s collection to go on the international runway."

See, how proud a Singaporean can be, knowing that another Singaporean is actually doing well in another country, letting the world know, that the citizens of Singapore DO have a value. We would want the world to notice us for our QUALITY, not our QUANTITY.

What Ashley Isham did is not an act of disloyalty, he chose to go overseas but yet, still remembered his own roots and homeland.

All i wish is, that the citizens of Singapore would improve on our quality, and not add on to the complaining. You have sufficient supply of water, its impossbile to go hungry in Singapore (c'mon, you can get a $1 piece of bread), the security..(well, no need for further explanations).
I know, that the GST rate has gone up and everything, need to pay for this, for that.

But, we have to think a bit further.
With no such crucial planning, how is Singapore going to survive? Would you want our government to be corrupted?

Back to topic. If the quality of Singaporeans is excellent, we don't have to go so far, migrate to find a job overseas. Maybe companies from overseas would come and find you! Since they've noticed the quality of Singaporeans. See how all this is possible. If NEWater was possible, how can this not be?

But please, don't think that I'm siding the government, or anyone.

All I'm just saying, disloyalty still boils down on a person's intention and deed.What comes from his heart is what matters most. Because, how can you tell if a person is disloyal just by looking at his face? Or just based on him migrating? Go and ask the person their reason and intention, before labelling them as disloyal.

You cannot always get the right answers by assumptions.
Believe me.

Ok, that's all i have to say.
Thanks for reading.

Adilah here, DDM/1A/23.

Eliza's Comment

Singaporeans who quit the country and migrate overseas are disloyal

I refer to the above mentioned topic, "Singaporeans who quit the country and migrate overseas are disloyal."

First and foremost, regarding my stand, I do not agree that Singaporeans are disloyal if they migrate overseas. With regards to this, there are various factors that led to this opinion.

Firstly, think about it. Why does those Singaporeans quit the country in the first place? To some extent, it is partly due to the high competition that is always hanging in the working environment in this Singapore society. Some cases might have been due to the fact that Singapore education system are extremely strict, that a big handful of students could not manage to breeze through, especially for the "O" levels. Anyway, the "O" levels makes no significant impact in the working life. It is like, studying "O" levels for nothing, to a certain extent. Alright, back to the point.

With all these handful of students that were left hanging in the air, not knowing where to go with an "O" level certificate that would bring them nowhere, most of them would start working. Or for some fortunate ones, they will have the opportunity to further their studies in private institutions, if they have the money.

For those whom went to work, it would be an extreme challenge to stay put in a position with a not-so-high-level of qualification. There is always a need to have a high level qualification in Singapore. Only if one have an EXTREMELY high level of talent, only then, one would be at least be considered of.

All these factors, it is no doubt that it is difficult to get a good job in Singapore. Whereas, for overseas such as the mentioned countries, Australia, New Zealand, England or the United States, the prospects over at those countries are much brighter and full of potential for some industry sectors. Such as for Digital Media, it is highly needed in the United States as the media production are very wide and still expanding. Of course, most Singaporeans would want to switch to work for other countries instead. The prospects there are much promising than Singapore's small little media industry.

Not forgetting, the foreign talents that the Singapore government are stressing about. Talk about how the government cares about their citizens? Bullshit. More and more foreigners are coming to Singapore to work. Most of our jobs are snatched away by them. Why? People would say, "Oh, you Singaporeans don't work hard enough for these positions." On the contradict, yes, I agree that most Singaporeans are lazy - by nature (from my perspective). However, with this fact that more foreigners are taking over our job, of course, most Singaporeans would look into finding / migrating to overseas.

All these competitions naturally would lead to stress and pressures that are instilled by the Singapore working environment or economy. That is why there are such thing as Office Psychiatrist / Counsellor! Most working adults in Singapore are under-going alot of stress from their workplace, which is why Singaporeans don't smile - ever! If you smiled, you would be deemed an idiot only for that moment, that's what most Singaporeans think. Think about it. How would these non-smiling-stressed-up-and-pressured Singaporeans ever, ever going to help build the nation?

If it were me, I would have gone overseas to work and would be grinnig from ear to ear by then. The bright prospects, the less stress working environment and of course, well-paid. Only provided that you proved your capabilities well enough.

Talk about disloyal to Singapore? Of course not. I do not think that migrating / working overseas would be disloyal to Singapore. It is just that Singapore does not have any room for potential future prospects for some people / industry, which is why most of them are either offered better jobs overseas, or found better jobs elsewhere around the world. Of course they are not disloyal.

Have you seen the news earlier this year? Regarding Singaporeans, celebrating Singapore's National Day, overseas. So, no worries, Singapore government. Even though Singapore might not have the prospects that some individual are looking for, I believe that they will still support Singapore from afar. Even to the extent of celebrating 9th August in a foreign land, where no one knows what those Singaporeans are celebrating for. Be honoured enough! =D

Which is why, to my conclusion, I disagree that Singaporeans who quit the country and migrate overseas are disloyal. Of course not!

The end.

Written by,
Eliza Koo

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Singaporeans who quit the country and migrate overseas are disloyal

So, let's start.

Quit the country. My definition of quit here is give up. You’re giving up on Singapore. It’s like you’re sick and tired of this country.

It’s up to the individual on why they want to migrate. Some may want to have some experience working overseas and coming back to Singapore to contribute.

We can’t condemn those who migrate and label them ‘disloyal’. How about our very own singer like JJ Lim (or Lin?) or Stephanie Sun? They went to another country to make music and at the same time they are trying to make name for the Singapore music industry.

If I were to migrate, if people ask me where I’m from, I would gladly but not proudly, and said, Singapore. I only like TWO things about Singapore and that would be its safety/security and cleanliness. I, myself, would love to migrate for many reasons. I’m a very carefree person. To me, Singapore is a very serious and pressurize country and I hate being serious. In fact, I am never serious. You still die in the end.

I want to have a fun festival like having a La Tomatina Festival in Spain or a festival in France I think, play your own music instrument no matter how bad you can be. I want to have my own car where I can modify it in any way I want and, without having to go through inspection every month. I want to fish like Ice fishing in Japan.

And you can say why I don’t just travel. And come back to boring Singapore? Every time I travel, I hate coming back home. Even if I have to stay at a fishing village, I’ll be happy.

But of course, you should not forget your roots when you migrate. Don’t pretend to be a Westerner when you actually an Asian. And one more thing, nothing can beat racial harmony in Singapore.

Have you heard of this old joke they made up of the acronyms such as Paying And Paying (PAP) or Eternally Raise Prices (ERP)?

And SENTOSA? So Expensive And Nothing To See Actually!! Not really many places for us to hang around and relax and nothing much for us to do here.

Obviously it’s true.

Me, Nur Hidayah

Monday, October 15, 2007

This is Eliza Speaking

It is an honour to announce to the media that ACE Production is officially formed up. This is an indeed the greatest business merger in the industry so far.

Ace Productions are planning to expand their operations all over the 7 continents around the world.

Kudos to Ace Productions.

WAH..my first time group blogging!!