Thursday, November 1, 2007

Singaporeans who quit the country and migrate overseas are disloyal

So, let's start.

Quit the country. My definition of quit here is give up. You’re giving up on Singapore. It’s like you’re sick and tired of this country.

It’s up to the individual on why they want to migrate. Some may want to have some experience working overseas and coming back to Singapore to contribute.

We can’t condemn those who migrate and label them ‘disloyal’. How about our very own singer like JJ Lim (or Lin?) or Stephanie Sun? They went to another country to make music and at the same time they are trying to make name for the Singapore music industry.

If I were to migrate, if people ask me where I’m from, I would gladly but not proudly, and said, Singapore. I only like TWO things about Singapore and that would be its safety/security and cleanliness. I, myself, would love to migrate for many reasons. I’m a very carefree person. To me, Singapore is a very serious and pressurize country and I hate being serious. In fact, I am never serious. You still die in the end.

I want to have a fun festival like having a La Tomatina Festival in Spain or a festival in France I think, play your own music instrument no matter how bad you can be. I want to have my own car where I can modify it in any way I want and, without having to go through inspection every month. I want to fish like Ice fishing in Japan.

And you can say why I don’t just travel. And come back to boring Singapore? Every time I travel, I hate coming back home. Even if I have to stay at a fishing village, I’ll be happy.

But of course, you should not forget your roots when you migrate. Don’t pretend to be a Westerner when you actually an Asian. And one more thing, nothing can beat racial harmony in Singapore.

Have you heard of this old joke they made up of the acronyms such as Paying And Paying (PAP) or Eternally Raise Prices (ERP)?

And SENTOSA? So Expensive And Nothing To See Actually!! Not really many places for us to hang around and relax and nothing much for us to do here.

Obviously it’s true.

Me, Nur Hidayah


Anonymous said...

Ya i totally agree

-Huang Ji

Dennis said...

Yes, I share the same views as Hidayah that Singaporeans are still contributing to the society even if they are not holding a red passport. By branding "ex-Singaporeans" as "traitors" we are actually pulling the growth of our country down.

Being in a pressurized country although might make us want to go out to experience the world, but after all that jazz we will realise that Singapore is where we truly got our knowledge, fun and roots.

However, if we say that we "hate" Singapore, it means that we have weak rooting to our country but this does not mean that one is a "traitor" of sorts either. If we truly deeply believe that we are Singaporeans through and through, no matter how stressed, bored, tired or just plainly sick of Singapore, we will still continue to contribute to our country in many ways.

Even by announcing the fact that you were once Singapore will definitely help the country grow.

Remember, we remember things that are bad but never do we remember good times.

~ Dennis

ROSE Among THORNS said...

I agree to your view about the topic. People have the perspective that people who migrate out of a country is betraying the country. The person who leaves out of Singapore does not always migrate to another country. They can be on holiday or having a time out from a stressful time in Singapore. Sometimes people need to venture out from themselves and be free for all these tremendous pressure.

Some of the people just criticize without looking into the matter that the person is facing. Let’s take M. Nasir for an instance, he is a good singer but there is no opportunity for him to expand in Singapore as a singer. By having all this difficulties, he just migrates to Malaysia and settles there. People do scarifies their nationality for their career and pursue to chase their ambition. So it wills very bias to just label them disloyal or traitor. Just put yourself in their shoes, what will you do if given a choice between career and your country?

As for the bad side staying in Singapore would be that the people will just keep paying to the government money and never get any benefits. GST keep increasing, petrol increasing and COE will never decrease.

Mohammed Shahrul
(DMA FT 2B/04)

Rockerking said...

Ya, I agreed that people would love to migrate for many reasons. Singapore may be a serious and pressurize country. I too hate been pressurize as I love to be lazy. But I don’t think we should use that as an excuse to migrate. As Singapore is a small country and there are of course lots of stuff we can’t compete with other country. But been small is also what make Singapore strong and unique and stand out from the rest of the country.

I also wish one day I can go oversea to work but I never think before of staying oversea forever as I don’t have any family or friends oversea. I only wish to gain some skills & experiences oversea for a few years. I believe that also what most Singaporean is doing.

And you mention that if went on holiday, won’t it be boring to come back to Singapore? If thinking in another way after staying oversea after sometime, won’t you miss your family & friends?

Tan Guan Long

Anonymous said...

Singapore has a high cost of living and this stupid NS crap is enough to make me want to immigrate out of this idiotic place. Singapore singers are crap too. If you want to sing go to america , at least you will get noticed by people around the world and rich even if you have crap music.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.