Friday, November 2, 2007

Topic to talk about: Singaporeans who quit the country and migrate overseas are disloyal

Well, I have one basic reason to whether or not Singaporeans are disloyal, it all depends on their intention and deed.

If their intention of migrating, is to get a better life. So be it! It's their choice, their life. But, if they were to go around in that place that they have migrated, telling everyone they know how bad Singapore is, all the bad points of Singapore. Wasn't this person a proud citizen of Singapore once?

Imagine, when all this negativity is aimed at Singapore. And people would begin to think that the people in Singapore are generally the same. Is this fair for the citizens? Thus, this people are disloyal because not only did they refuse to call themselves Singaporean, they are also bringing down the name if his/her own nation.

However, there are those whom migrated and have done Singapore proud. Take Ashley Islam for example. He knew too well that to succeed in his area of interest, the best is to start somewhere where the fashion industry is noticed.

I did some research and found someone commenting on this, from:

"For London Fahion Week, the designer I was waiting for was Ashley Isham.Not because I’ve known his work to be fabulous, but because he is a Singaporean - and it is pretty darn amazing for a Singaporean’s collection to go on the international runway."

See, how proud a Singaporean can be, knowing that another Singaporean is actually doing well in another country, letting the world know, that the citizens of Singapore DO have a value. We would want the world to notice us for our QUALITY, not our QUANTITY.

What Ashley Isham did is not an act of disloyalty, he chose to go overseas but yet, still remembered his own roots and homeland.

All i wish is, that the citizens of Singapore would improve on our quality, and not add on to the complaining. You have sufficient supply of water, its impossbile to go hungry in Singapore (c'mon, you can get a $1 piece of bread), the security..(well, no need for further explanations).
I know, that the GST rate has gone up and everything, need to pay for this, for that.

But, we have to think a bit further.
With no such crucial planning, how is Singapore going to survive? Would you want our government to be corrupted?

Back to topic. If the quality of Singaporeans is excellent, we don't have to go so far, migrate to find a job overseas. Maybe companies from overseas would come and find you! Since they've noticed the quality of Singaporeans. See how all this is possible. If NEWater was possible, how can this not be?

But please, don't think that I'm siding the government, or anyone.

All I'm just saying, disloyalty still boils down on a person's intention and deed.What comes from his heart is what matters most. Because, how can you tell if a person is disloyal just by looking at his face? Or just based on him migrating? Go and ask the person their reason and intention, before labelling them as disloyal.

You cannot always get the right answers by assumptions.
Believe me.

Ok, that's all i have to say.
Thanks for reading.

Adilah here, DDM/1A/23.


ROSE Among THORNS said...

I agree with the fact that you shouldn't be assuming about others' life and decisions. As the saying goes "Don't judge a book by its cover". It is said that everyone has their own decision and priorities in their life thus it is wrong to label anyone who migrate due to their own reason as disloyal to their country.

Like what the writer said that Singapore have a lot of advantages such as the security, unlikely to have natural disaster, sufficient supply of water and now with the NEWater being establish that would be an added benefits to the Singaporeans. Even though we have to pay and pay well at the end of the day we are still safe and sound from any serious troubles.

Finally, disloyalty still boils down to people's intention and deed just like what the writer said, which I truly agree. We may be born here, grew up here and study here but that doesn't mean that we owe to the country that we need to repay by staying in this country. But we should actually be grateful and appreciate where our roots were formed and what the country has showered us with.

(DMA FT 2B/04)

ROSE Among THORNS said...
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ROSE Among THORNS said...
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ROSE Among THORNS said...
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ROSE Among THORNS said...

I agree with the writer as it is all about the intention or purpose to migrate overseas. One can leave Singapore because they dislike Singapore but for most Singaporean, migrating overseas is to lead a better life either for themselves or for their family members.

We also have to agree that there are some Singaporean who migrates has done Singapore proud like what the writer say.

Just as what our group said, Loyalty for the country is something which one takes pride in. Loyalty simply means to be faithful, to one’s country, to one’s commitments and obligations and also to be of allegiance. It does not matter where you are as long as you take pride in Singapore.
(DARE 1A 25)
(DMA 2B 04)

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